Apr 26Liked by Eli Ben-Porat

Every bit of this can be said about parenting/mentoring musicians/artists/actors etc. Your kid will figure out who they are, give them room, encouragement, and opportunity. Best of luck to Brandon, I hope he retains his joy as things continue.

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Apr 26Liked by Eli Ben-Porat

I think the saddest part about all this is considering all the talent out there - not just in baseball or chess but the working world in general - that simply because that person is different in some way, approach, philosophy, lack of a degree or conventional path, etc, they never get an opportunity to begin with. How many doors were slammed in their face before they finally threw in the towel, how many phone calls were made and resumes sent out and no one took notice? For better or worse, that is kind of the best thing about social media and internet platforms (maybe?), the fact that you can self promote your skills.

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Love this. Insane how good Brandon is at such a young age. Best of luck to him moving forward!

I've been into a lot of chess content lately (John Bartholomew is a favorite) and it's crazy how addicting it can be.

Big fan of the piece on drive you mention as well. I think a lot of people don't really appreciate the "makeup" component of prospect evaluation fully because it's 1) hard to quantify and 2) much harder to evaluate in the first place unless you're actually talking to a player.

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